
List of all commands and permissions

/f create <name> - Create your own faction

/f who <name> Show faction information

/f tag <name> - Change your faction name

/f join <name> - Join to the faction

/f list - List all factions

/f map - Map of the surrounding area, click chunks to calim

/f sethome - Set your faction home

/f home - Go to your faction home

/f title - <playername> <title> - Set a player's title, color codes supported.

/f ban - Ban a member from your faction

/f unban - Unban a member from your faction

/f banlist - List banned players from your faction

/f lowpower - List player with power under max from your faction.

/f coords - Broadcast your location to your faction.

/f showclaims - List all claims from your faction

/f leave -- Leave your faction

/f invite <PlayerName> - Invite a player to your faction

/f deinvite <PlayerName> Revoke invintation to player

/f claim - Claim land for your faction

/f unclaim - Unclaim land from your faction

/f kick <PlayerName> - Kick player from your faction

/f mod <PlayerName> - Set player to mod role in faction

/f coleader <PlayerName> - Set a player to coleader role in faction

/f leader <PlayerName> - Set player role to leader in faction

/f chat <Faction | Ally Public> - Switch to Faction/Ally/Public chat

/f Warp - Opens the warp menu

/f setwarp - Set a warp

/f perms - Change what players can do in your claims

/f upgrades - Upgrade various perks in your faction

/f checkpoint - Set a faction checkpoint

/f tnt add/take <amount> - Faction Based TNT Bank

/f tntfill <radius> <amount> - Tnt fill integrated into the tntbank

/f chest - Open a virtual faction chest

/f version - Display current faction version

/f shop - Open Shop GUI

/f check - Manage All Check Settings

/f weewoo - Alert all faction members you are being raided

/f missions - Open/Manage all mission/objectives to complete

/f alts - Manage All Alts via commands

/f corner - Use this command in a corner chunk, to claim your entire buffer

/f logout - Safetly logout, hcf style

/f gobal - toggle public chat off and only allow faction based chats

/f points - Check your factions points

/f invsee - Check a faction members inventory

/f stealth - Go into stealth mode to not disable enemies flight

/f notifications - Disable or enable faction claim notifications

/f wild -Teleport to a random location is a specific radius

/f booster - Opens the booster gui

/f addbooster - Add a faction booster

/f removebooster - Remove a faction booster

/f shield - Set a faction shield

Last updated